Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Alrighty then,

On the random question part of my profile, I just figured out you're suppose to answer one, not make up one. My made up question was "If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around, and it falls on a mime, does he make a sound?" Also, would anybody care? So I finally answer a random question, "If your love potion tasted horrible, how would you drink it?" I simply replied but evidently, it was too long. I simply said, "First, you get a high water colonic. After you're done with that, exercise for two months and eat a healthy diet, NOT ATKINS, just healthy. Then, after you've gotten into ship-shape, tone your body with tanning and colorizing. After all is done, look in a mirror and realize that if you needed to follow these steps, no love potion in the world can help you get laid."

Then I wrote, "First, you get a high water colonic. After you're done with that, exercise for two months and eat a healthy diet, NOT ATKINS, just healthy. Then, after you've gotten into ship-shape, tone your body with tanning and colorizing. After all is done, look in a mirror and realize that if you needed to follow these steps, no love potion in the world can help you get laid."


So as it seems on my quest to camnortheastlot, I discovered one problem, we packed up all but a few clothes, and last night, we had no towels. So, obviously, we've still got a week, and need to concentrate on other packing. Like the mound of nick nacks, hoowhat nots, and doo dads sitting on the desk. Yes, the infamous, "Just put it on the desk...." desk. Everyone's got one, and the lerk out to those who do not. Beware the lurking desk, they'll clutter up without you knowing, at anytime, and anyplace......... in your home......... where there's a desk of course.

Do you think that transformers ever slept in beds?

I've noticed that there are more people reading this. But asking, "What's with the name, Hope Springs in Turtles?" Well, no one has asked yet, so why do I care.

Nevermind, I do, please, let me care.

The description, being my first post, is stating that Matlock once said in court hope springs in turtles. Not many people here get that joke. What was said is also a common euthinism, the phrase is "Hope Springs Eternal". But the whole joke is that the turtles phrase makes sense, that fact that it still connected and just sounds wierd, not incomprehendable. So there. What do you have to say to that? Hmmm?

Good point.

Watch the clip and shut up, you wise cracker......... or whatever racial slur you are.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

An apology is in need,

PHEONIX--------You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal. "And The Phoenix's cycle had reached zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He emerged from his own ashes, to be forever immortal." Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl (Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum (Egyptian). The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life, the number 0, and the element of fire. His sign is the eclipsed sun. As a member of Form 0, you are a determined individual. You tend to keep your sense of optomism, even through tough times and have a positive outlook on most situations. You have a way of looking at going through life as a journey that you can constantly learn from. Phoenixes are the best friends to have because they cheer people up easily.

Just needing to say something. Sorry to anyone who was expecting me in Cecil this weekend. I'm still at work now. Doing 14 hours today, and another 10 tomorrow. I'm sorry to any one wanting to see me at the birthday party. Again, wonderful work. But if you weren't there, then shame on you. Bad! Bad mystery person! Let's call them Bardellby. Bad Bardellby. Shame. For Shame.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Hey hey kiddies,

Just need to write something untill work ends. Listening to Postal Service and I'm starting to wonder where my life is going. Then I realize, it's going to North East. I didn't get any repsonses from family/friends/ or others. So I guess all is okay then on the home front of moving. Can't wait................ not even to for me to finish my ..... thingys. There's suppose to be 22 but I'm very impatient. I just can't even understand how my sister must feel. She's getting a new house, husband and a russian within the next year(3 separate things, not two). I'm getting an education, apartment, and I just kicked as at Halo 2. Boo yah! Ain't nobody who can't beat me. Oooooh. Triple negatives! So does that mean There is somebody who can beat me? Or am I begining to turn into Eminem.

Found this picture, it makes me laugh. Funny funny. As a good friend of mine, Foamy, once said "Don't ever put waffles in the possessed toaster!" What that has to do in relation to the picture? I don't know. Hopefully, I'll find out what, yeah, hope, just like those damn hopeful turtles. All high and mighty. I'll show them, I'll show them all! They wanna play! I'll play back! HaRDeR, FaSTeR, STRoNGeR, BeTTeR! Like that Daft Punk song, not the one with that a-hole LCD Soundsystem song where Daft Punk is playing at his house. They are not! They don't like you! Playing at your house, in the middle of the street! It's sheer Madness! It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World we live in. In fact, it's a Brave New World. Hell, ask Aldous about it, he'll know. He's written alot of things..... wait, it's coming to me...... he's written alot of things....... so have old black people........ that sing........ like the worker on show boat singing old man river....... which made me cry...... cry tears..... made of liquid...... liquid that is water..... and salty like the sea..... or ocean...... like the Atlantic ocean..... where africans traveled over to get to here, africans, Africa, elephants, tusks, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Stevie Wonder, piano, ivory, white, opposite of black, Ray Charles! Woooooo! I did it. I made the connection to a friggin' cartoon squirrel to a bluesy black blind piano player. I'm am the king.

Sorry for the rant. Got nothin' left but some crazy little antics. I've noticed that other people than the people that I know are visiting this little site of mine, and of the great people at BlogSpot.com and Blogger.com and from the support from Eggo Waffles, the great addition to a complete breakfast, from Ray Charles' Foundation for Spotless Dalmations, and from the support of viewers like you. If you are another viewer of this and I don't know you, don't know you're checking it out, or even if you're someone I do know, please, write a comment. Write anything, a little quip about you, or who you are. A question, any question, related to anything or not, you've seen that I can relate it to anything, so more of an odd relation. Or even a commentary on an event, text, movie, or so on..... but not like a James Cameron commentary, he's a director and all, but is just to damn boring as a person. Enjoy the kiddlish humor in the link, I'm sure it'll make you smile...... at least 3.35 times.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Oh yeah,


Okay, mom read the blog, talked to her while at work. We got the apartment. It's ours. $600 a month for two floors and a bunch of other utilities. It's great but a shock to mom. There were ideas of moving in with her, but it's nice being on my own. It's been too long and I can't adjust to back. So now I'm in North East town as of August. Note to my sis, "Need help moving?". There are going to be a hundred and 1 questions, opinions and so ons towards me. My answer to all of them, let me tell you know, this is the final answer.

-----I moving to North East to be closer to family. It's works out for everyone. To those who think I don't know what I'm doing, don't like it or with whom I do it with, or wish to tell me otherwise, let me know now so I can not include you in it. Got alot of grief for the first time from everyone and not once did I ask for money or anything else. I came to family get togethers that I was invited for, and I'm trying hard not to miss my second cousin's first birthday. I know what I'm doing, it's all taken care of, and everything is working out as planned. All I ask is for the support.-----

Anyway, we got the apartment. If we waited one more day, it would have gone to the next couple in line. And we wanted it more. August first is when we can start to move in. I thought of pushing back school but i'm already in the flow of it, it's still gonna stay on date.

Not much more to say. Enjoy the theme song to my weekend, the link will take you there. I put in my two weeks notice. Got an application for fork lift training and working for IKEA and I have to break down my pool table after work. So all is well, whether believed or not.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Much news,

JFK Asassination Theoy No. 27>>>>>

Okay, so not really a whole lot much, but much indeed. It's like this. There's a little apartment in North East that we've been looking at. We didn't call in time, someone else took it. The next day we go to our landlord and tell her to put up our lease for anyone buying. She says no one's biting but she will. Our duties are to keep it very tidy (which is was a mess after a ton of laundry) and let it be open to tours. Within an hour we get a call that in five minutes, there will be prospective takers coming in. We do a flight of the bumble bee warning people not to open the closets for the sake of life. We sold our apartment in less than 60 minutes of the opening that had been made.

So, later that day we get a call. The people on the bottom of the house are moving on August 1st. What? Yes, moving, soon, the same buildnig, different floor. It's $10 more a month for a bigger living room and a basement. She's dutch, I'm black irish, thank my blood line hor-rah. So now it's all up to making a moving date. Oh yeah! Now that's what I call Kool-aid.

Are you enjoying my line of matrix links? One more and I'll be done using this site for my links, I've got more where these came from.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

As to clarify,

I never explained my "hot rod" in an earlier (Explanation at hand,) entry. The back of these gators can lift up. Push a button and it's like a dump truck. This is for easier unloading or whatever is needed. Well underneath is the major runnings of the vehicle. So we noticed that they had a restrictor plate effect. When it reaches its top speed it'll automatically slow down. Like hitting 3rd gear tops and it cuts down to 2nd. Significantly slower and boring. A senior tech and I spent some time right after we got them on how to speed it up. Using a many different ideas, one worked best. So we decided to use that all weekend.

Taking a rod made of steel and wire, we would control the throttle. The way to make it go actual top speed is simple. Lets make three positions A,B,C. position A is when the throttle cuts back down. By lifting the top slightly, it stays open due to electronic controls (it's a press gas pedal and it auto starts kinda of ride. like a go cart but with a real engine) we could expose the throttle just enough. Position B it the top speed before it cuts down. It goes farther back. Position C is about the distance from A to B higher than B. So it's like hitting 4th gear, a gear that isn't on there naturally. Oh yeah, fast, and fun, and reckless. At one time, I felt like Luke and I was in the old General Lee John Deer (there's speed humps along the main stadium road). With the authentic back fire sounds and all. That's vehicle one.

Vehicle two was a plain gator which was mine. No upgrades. We didn't want two vehicles in danger of ruin.

Then there was the 6x4 gator. The actually tech gator that our crew chief used. It has actual gears and is more like a small truck. 6 wheels and faster than the gator I had. As for the hot rod, we don't know.

Then there was the Popemobile. A white chinese made truck with a huge truck bed, and a small driving compartment right over the front wheels. It was actually an automobile with gears, speedometer and all. just slow for they could only get up to 50 kpm and couldn't get past 3rd gear out of 4. It was small but huge for a driving the streets of china. So there, there's the clarification.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Angry? I might be. Unbeknowist to my family, my problems. Went to the dentist the other day, yesterday, tuesday, the twelth, yay... are there problems that turned out? Maybe... Horrible crossbite? Maybe... it's TMJ complications! Gingivitis which is partial subject to some fillings needed from old cavities that other doctors said were stains! Oh, and what's this? My molars maybe? Oh no, thank you, my molars are fine except for the fillings needed... but they are in danger! Not Mothra, not Lemony Snickets, it's wise and cannot compromise. My upper wisdom teeth are coming in fine. If you take a flat line to my jaw, it's a 90 degree angle. However, if that same line is then paralell to the bottom jaw, the lower wisdom teeth are not 90 degrees. In fact, they crook away from the jaw. The x-rays showed about at a 30 or so angle. My bottom wisdoms, or as I call them POSTs (Piece Of Sh*t Teeth), aren't even coming in straight upperward. The roots and everything are back by my jaw.

This may cause my "severe jaw click". Everytime I open my mouth wide enough, my jaw pops. It's called a TMJ problem/ complications. My posts may be putting pressure onto the jaw. If it is that, I'll be put on muscle relaxers afterwards to keep the jaw nimble. If not, muscle relaxers still and something else. So these wisdom teeth need to come out ASAP or have much pain later. I've been recommended for an Orthodondist near Cockeysville. He's highly recommended. One other solution is the palet shape. My family knows the problem. Because of it's natural shape, it could be pulling on my upper jaw muscles. Relaxers still may be there, but braces may be added. That's right, I'll be one of those wierd 20 year old brace faces hiding in a studio in the dark making music. So that's gonna be lots of fun. Mom, here's the list...

july 27th, ----- i get my fillings put in, 9:00 am, i'll be out in no time, not a problem, the cavities aren't caused be sweets thought, they're not like that, luckily because i can't stand candy anymore. It's just natural decay, they're not big but they shouldn't even be in the first place.

ASAP ----- orthodonist
may need braces, definetly need wisdoms out. my lower jaw looks like this >^^^^^^^^^^^^^^< , I'm calling him today.

I need to be extra careful with my teeth because of the gingivitis begining. It's not serious, it's just starting up, easily taken care of. Brush twice, floss often, listerine is your friend- visit him daily. I even have a tongue scraper for sitting bacteria ( i got it a month ago, smart point for me).

Thank you mom for the dental care. Like you predicted, no one will need it until at some time, it'll be the most frequently used plastic card.

Other news, I will be delaying my start time in sheffield to january 2006. With all of the surgery, medications, and dental visits, I doubt getting used to the drugs and payments will help me succeed in class. I'm not going to blow it away like that, it's too important. I got accepted, that was the hard part, I don't want going to class to be that hard part. Also, I found a driving academy, $280 for three weeks, 10 classes, and a driver's license. There are 5 entry dates before september alone, more in the fall and winter. In addition to that, Tina and I secretly found an apartment in Northeast (right before the pizza parlor on main street, it's not in town, but next to it). It's on hold for us, and we expect to move there to be closer to our families. We miss everyone and Towson is too much of a pain in the arse. I hate having to plan a trip to perryville to say high to Mom and all of you. We're passing our lease here on to another person and hope to have the apartment by August. It's nice, bigger than this one, and is cheaper. In price though. We checked it out, toured it and it's actually a house. They duplexed it and has about .75 of an acre lawn that gets mowed weekly (not charged). It has safe oil heating like the mom's. Cross breeze set windows and two bedrooms. It's like they shrunk mom's house. It's the top floor place so flooding is not a problem. They even put in new electric, paint jobs, double pane windows with industrial locks and cable (not charged). It's nice and I hope you guys can get to see it since i'll be able to see you now.

I know it's alot of stuff to know, but that's life and you must take it with a grain of salt and a spoonful of splenda. I'll let you know about anything more. Anyone call me if needed. Love you guys and miss you all. And just in case you don't know this, when the title of the post has three colored dots, it means that there's a link within the title, so click it. If find some pretty funny things. Last comment. That other pig video from last entry, the bald guy looks like a heavier LoPresto from Perryville High. Just look in the eyes.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

I only took french dammit,

I took french in high school. NOT korean, NOT spanish, spanglish, engspaneol, or freaking gibberish. However pig latin is a pretty fluent speech flow for me. So this weekend, instead of korean-protestant-presbyterian, it's hispanic-roman-catholics. Whole new fun, wish I had the Simpson's Bumble Bee Man. So it's a Worldwide Marriage Encounter, keeping religion in the relationship. Nice people, very humble, annoying because they don't know what they want ahead of time, nor know how to ask for it, but sweet none-the-less. And then it's TU Cares!

TU Cares is a week long event of ultra over time and a half. This is where all of the prospective students come down to the campus for a day and watch speeches by deans, presentations by students, and more and more fun. It's not too many rooms for us to manage, it's the amount in each room that makes us cry, that and how they want the setup. The other problem, it's all day. You man a station for possibly 12 hours. For people like me? I've recently gain about a some horsepower in muscle. So, not only am I good at my job, but now I'm a labor horse. I can liftmore than anyone in my department, and last longer in duration of work energy and strength. The discovered this when I tightened some stand legs and two people (a senior tech and a shift super) couldn't unscrew the legs. I get more hours but then again, I'm now doing more in each hour also. Oh, joy. Basically, during TU Cares , I'm a freegin' brahma bull for five days.

So while I'm working this marriage thing, I'm constantly updating the weather bug doppler (I'm manning it right now) and watching this storm coming for us and looking outside waiting. The morning started at 7 which means 6:30 in tech terms, and ends at 8 which means when work is done after 8 in tech terms. Also, I found this video by Plaid. However, the name of the song is unknown on this website showing it. I've listened to over 30 thirty-second quips of their songs trying to find the name of it, and can't find it. I anyone would like to help, please, let me know. It's all really good music though, it's as if Portishead took acid and were thrown into a studio without any human interaction until they were finished. Anyway, wish me fun, I'm working this and later I'm going to an arena to do more labor. Mental strain and then physical, woo! Life is good!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Been a while,

So it's been a while since I wrote something. Oooohhhh. Well I've been doing other things. Like working, and not studying because I'm working, and sleeping in between working and defecating, oh yeah, and like breathing. Yeah, I've been breathing, what about that huh? So there! Take that all! I've got a life, and hobbies, like using COMMAS a lot, and ... BREATHING... and... uh... working. Any way. <>^v

It's been swell. I've been doing an event that lasts all week this past week. The bastardization of Ezekiel Korean Presbyterian Church Retreat! Also known as NYSKC which is something youth korean christians whatever. There motto, "Dry bones! Rise to grow into an exceeding great army!" Which for them seems like warfare. I don't know, I can't speak jibberish. I acted like I could though and acted like I was reading their material and their computer screens (with hand motions and appropriate face gestures). I had seen them sing the words so much I took on a meaning of it. It was mind boggling fun, fabulous, freakin' fortunate the crap went on for so long (that is if the words with "f"s were deleted). But it was good money. Go capitalism.

This week is a world wide marriage thing that also lasts several days. Well, have fun with your lives. Enjoy this little quip, I hate that whore Opera and now love that Cruise.