Monday, May 01, 2006

Jimmy Crack Corn,,,

okay, so i haven't talked to many people lately. big whoop. really. there is no sarcasm in my typing right now. in all honesty, sorry. the woman and i have been having land lord troubles. major friends troubles. and the occasion job and what to do next troubles. I don't know about the latter, but we're working on the first two. we just had our bathroom redone to get rid of the mold. it's been 8 friggin' months and now he says, "well that mold isn't good". smack on the face! also, a friend of hers, "other of mine", has left her boyfriend, who holds ownership of her apartment. so where's her in between place? yeah, here. fun. funfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfun. so she's in the midst of this new apartment but it's taking longer than expected, and she needs rides to work, home from work, etc. and i'm wondering if i can scrounge up enough money to drug her, bag her, crate her, and send her to abudohbie. anyway. the woman and i are yes, highly considering the house atop the hill. better yet. all we need to do is talk to mom. problem is. we work weekends, mom don't. we off weekdays, mom don't. mom called and i tried to call mom back, mom don't answer. anyways, waiting for some call backs, work crazy hours cause noone can live on our wages with only 40 hours a weeks, and quite frankly, traveling armed robbery looks more promising. so call me peoples! yes, i know i haven't called, but dammit janet, the phone works both ways. and i'm sorry.


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