On the random question part of my profile, I just figured out you're suppose to answer one, not make up one. My made up question was "If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around, and it falls on a mime, does he make a sound?" Also, would anybody care? So I finally answer a random question, "If your love potion tasted horrible, how would you drink it?" I simply replied but evidently, it was too long. I simply said, "First, you get a high water colonic. After you're done with that, exercise for two months and eat a healthy diet, NOT ATKINS, just healthy. Then, after you've gotten into ship-shape, tone your body with tanning and colorizing. After all is done, look in a mirror and realize that if you needed to follow these steps, no love potion in the world can help you get laid."
Then I wrote, "First, you get a high water colonic. After you're done with that, exercise for two months and eat a healthy diet, NOT ATKINS, just healthy. Then, after you've gotten into ship-shape, tone your body with tanning and colorizing. After all is done, look in a mirror and realize that if you needed to follow these steps, no love potion in the world can help you get laid."
So as it seems on my quest to camnortheastlot, I discovered one problem, we packed up all but a few clothes, and last night, we had no towels. So, obviously, we've still got a week, and need to concentrate on other packing. Like the mound of nick nacks, hoowhat nots, and doo dads sitting on the desk. Yes, the infamous, "Just put it on the desk...." desk. Everyone's got one, and the lerk out to those who do not. Beware the lurking desk, they'll clutter up without you knowing, at anytime, and anyplace......... in your home......... where there's a desk of course.
Do you think that transformers ever slept in beds?
I've noticed that there are more people reading this. But asking, "What's with the name, Hope Springs in Turtles?" Well, no one has asked yet, so why do I care.
Nevermind, I do, please, let me care.
The description, being my first post, is stating that Matlock once said in court hope springs in turtles. Not many people here get that joke. What was said is also a common euthinism, the phrase is "Hope Springs Eternal". But the whole joke is that the turtles phrase makes sense, that fact that it still connected and just sounds wierd, not incomprehendable. So there. What do you have to say to that? Hmmm?
Good point.
Watch the clip and shut up, you wise cracker......... or whatever racial slur you are.